Hasty Treat - Git Rebase Explained
Discussion on Git rebase - what it is, when and why to use it, and how it can help with workflows, tidying commits and resolving merge conflicts.

Discussion on Git rebase - what it is, when and why to use it, and how it can help with workflows, tidying commits and resolving merge conflicts.
Discussion of the new CSS container queries feature recently added to Chrome Canary. Details on syntax, usage, why needed, resize observer issues, contain property, inline/block sizes, logical properties, best practices, and trying it out today.
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski discuss a new CSS draft feature for CSS nesting. They explain the benefits, proper usage, and syntax of CSS nesting. They also discuss how it can be used with media queries and ensure backwards compatibility.
Scott and Wes discuss their favorite VSCode extensions, tips and workflows including Easy Snippet, Error Lens, File Utils, GitLens, Better Comments, Emmet and more.
Wes and Scott discuss the n+1 database query problem, explaining what it is and solutions like batching IDs, DataLoader, and Prisma.
Scott and Wes discuss GraphQL code generation tools like GraphQL Code Generator and Pericles that can generate typed code, React hooks, forms, and more from GraphQL schemas.
Scott and Wes have an in-depth discussion about managing environment variables for web development projects.
Wes and Scott answer questions submitted by listeners about their work, backgrounds, tools, and opinions on topics like office culture, recruiting, JavaScript frameworks, and the Clubhouse app.
Scott and Wes discuss skills developers should focus on in 2021 to be hireable, covering code fundamentals, real-world libraries and frameworks, and soft skills.
Scott and Wes discuss Cypress, an end-to-end testing framework. They cover its ability to test across browsers, debug issues in a real browser, record test runs, mock data, and integrate with plugins.
Scott and Wes discuss the difference between TypeScript compilers like TSC and SWC versus bundlers like Webpack, and whether you still need bundlers when using TypeScript.
Scott and Wes provide an in-depth look at keyboard events in the browser, explaining the different events that fire, metadata available, and best practices for using keyboard shortcuts in web apps.
Scott discusses moving the LevelUpTutorials site to a new tech stack using Node, React, Snowpack, Render, and more.
Wes and Scott discuss the new AVIF image format - how it works, why it's better than JPEG and WebP, browser support, and how to implement it.
Scott and Wes discuss approaches for creating consistent, maintainable CSS font size and typography systems using tools like type-scale.com and CSS variables.
Hosts Scott and Wes discuss concepts around nothingness in JavaScript including undefined, null, void, never, falsey values, empty arrays, and more.
Scott and Wes discuss their favorite keyboard shortcuts and window management tools for boosting productivity on Mac
This episode explains different pricing models for hosting and web services like paying per time used, resources, bandwidth, users, apps, and work performed.
Wes and Scott discuss bot strategies for buying popular, hard to find items like the PlayStation 5, including scraping retailer sites, avoiding bot-prone retailers, and using tools like Puppeteer and LowDB.
Wes and Scott discuss the behind-the-scenes tech used to record Syntax episode 300 with live guest appearances.