Hasty Treat - New Level Up Tutorials Site
Scott discusses moving the LevelUpTutorials site to a new tech stack using Node, React, Snowpack, Render, and more.

Scott discusses moving the LevelUpTutorials site to a new tech stack using Node, React, Snowpack, Render, and more.
Scott and Wes introduce Deno, a new runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. They compare it to Node.js and discuss features like built-in TypeScript support, ESM modules, sandboxing, running scripts from URLs, and more.
Wes and Scott discuss the new AVIF image format - how it works, why it's better than JPEG and WebP, browser support, and how to implement it.
Scott and Wes answer listener questions on topics like transitioning to a high paying development job, building UI libraries, overcoming imposter syndrome, and more.
Scott and Wes discuss approaches for creating consistent, maintainable CSS font size and typography systems using tools like type-scale.com and CSS variables.
Live podcast episode recorded at Reactathon 2020 conference. Scott and Wes discuss React wishlist items, play JS or Nay guessing game, share JavaScript hot takes from Twitter, and answer audience questions.
Hosts Scott and Wes discuss concepts around nothingness in JavaScript including undefined, null, void, never, falsey values, empty arrays, and more.
Scott and Wes share their 2021 web development predictions including the growth of Deno, TypeScript, MDX, Jamstack, and more.
Scott and Wes discuss their favorite keyboard shortcuts and window management tools for boosting productivity on Mac
Scott and Wes discuss the web development predictions and trends from 2020 including the rise of ES modules, improvements in frameworks like React, Vue, Next.js, Gatsby, and tools like NPM, Snowpack, serverless functions and headless CMS.
This episode explains different pricing models for hosting and web services like paying per time used, resources, bandwidth, users, apps, and work performed.
Scott and Wes discuss the new Apple Silicon Macs and whether they will be good for web development. They also answer questions from listeners.
Wes and Scott discuss bot strategies for buying popular, hard to find items like the PlayStation 5, including scraping retailer sites, avoiding bot-prone retailers, and using tools like Puppeteer and LowDB.
Brian Leroux joins to discuss serverless, covering its characteristics, use cases, challenges, and tools like AWS, Architect, Begin, Node, Deno, and TypeScript.
Wes and Scott discuss the behind-the-scenes tech used to record Syntax episode 300 with live guest appearances.
Compares Gatsby and Next.js for features like server vs static rendering, data management, dynamic pages, and more.
Wes and Scott discuss why they prefer React hooks over class components - hooks allow decoupling state from components, reduce duplication, improve ref handling and more.
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski discuss their 2020 web developer gift guide with recommendations for home, cooking, games, tech, smart home, desk accessories, live streaming gear, fitness equipment, and clothing.
Wes and Scott discuss using conventional commits to improve commit messages and enable automatic versioning.
Scotty and Wesbos answer developer questions submitted by podcast listeners on topics like WebRTC, debugging, Rust, Sanity CMS, and more.
Discussion on validating data on the client vs the server, with examples of manipulating client validation and the importance of server-side validation for security.
Benjamin Dunphy discusses how he started and grew the Reactathon conference based on his passion for React and events. He covers the motivation, target audience, and transparency needed, as well as expanding the event based on demand.
This episode covers CSS Grid Level 3, which adds masonry layout capabilities natively to CSS. This allows Pinterest-style responsive layouts without JavaScript.
300th episode spectacular live show with audience participation
Discussion on the most popular JavaScript bundlers available today and their key differences in features, complexity and use cases.
Josh Comeau discusses how he codes by voice and eye tracking due to injury, the benefits of attending a bootcamp, adding whimsical touches to websites, and how he focuses on teaching development through interactive blog posts and courses.
Wes and Scott discuss the value of certifications versus hands-on experience in proving competence as a web developer. They cover how the fast pace of change in web technologies makes certifications difficult, but agree certifications around specific vendor platforms may be useful.
Scott and Wes discuss Scott's meetings, dentist appointments, and play a recording from Jack Rhysider reading a story submitted by a listener about accidentally creating an exponential email storm.
Discussion on the new Temporal date and time API proposal for JavaScript which aims to fix limitations with the existing JavaScript date API
Developers share horror stories about mistakes that happened in web development leading to issues in production.
Scott discusses various dynamic stretches to help alleviate common issues that developers face from poor posture and overuse, such as back pain, carpal tunnel, rounded shoulders, etc.
Tips on communication, time management, billing and other ways to make freelancing an easier endeavor.
Strategies for updating web apps and forcing users to get new versions, including manual refreshes, service workers, hot reloading, and visual notifications.
In this potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer developer questions on topics like Target blank links security, Stencil JS, senior developers, Angular careers, SVGs in React, Git workflows, and more.
Discussion on what enums are and how they are used in various languages and systems like GraphQL, TypeScript and JavaScript
Discussion of outdated web development tools and techniques from 10-15 years ago.
This episode covers immutable records and tuples in JavaScript - new proposed syntax for creating objects and arrays that are deeply immutable and support deep equality checks.
Covers Git fundamentals and basic commands
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski discuss the first money they made from web development, including client projects, ad revenue, product sales, teaching gigs, and agency work.
Scott and Wes discuss frameworks, tools, scoping, and writing maintainable CSS.