Hasty Treat - Why should I use React Hooks?
Wes and Scott discuss why they prefer React hooks over class components - hooks allow decoupling state from components, reduce duplication, improve ref handling and more.

Wes and Scott discuss why they prefer React hooks over class components - hooks allow decoupling state from components, reduce duplication, improve ref handling and more.
Wes and Scott discuss using conventional commits to improve commit messages and enable automatic versioning.
Discussion on validating data on the client vs the server, with examples of manipulating client validation and the importance of server-side validation for security.
This episode covers CSS Grid Level 3, which adds masonry layout capabilities natively to CSS. This allows Pinterest-style responsive layouts without JavaScript.
Discussion on the most popular JavaScript bundlers available today and their key differences in features, complexity and use cases.
Wes and Scott discuss the value of certifications versus hands-on experience in proving competence as a web developer. They cover how the fast pace of change in web technologies makes certifications difficult, but agree certifications around specific vendor platforms may be useful.
Discussion on the new Temporal date and time API proposal for JavaScript which aims to fix limitations with the existing JavaScript date API
Scott discusses various dynamic stretches to help alleviate common issues that developers face from poor posture and overuse, such as back pain, carpal tunnel, rounded shoulders, etc.
Tips on communication, time management, billing and other ways to make freelancing an easier endeavor.
Discussion on what enums are and how they are used in various languages and systems like GraphQL, TypeScript and JavaScript