Hasty Treat - CSRF Explained
Wes and Scott explain cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and different ways to prevent it like cookies, tokens, and headers.

Wes and Scott explain cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and different ways to prevent it like cookies, tokens, and headers.
Discussion on how container queries will allow styling based on available space by measuring elements instead of viewport. Other topics include cascade layers to control specificity order, scope for addressing naming conflicts, and Miriam's work with the CSS Working Group.
SvelteKit provides a fast, flexible, and powerful way to build web apps with Svelte. It works anywhere, has multiple rendering options, includes useful features out of the box, and focuses on HTML/JS. Worth trying for your next Svelte project.
Wes and Scott answer audience questions about React, TypeScript, problem solving, first jobs, Svelte, sleep habits, CMS tools, caching, scaffolding generators, spice organization, and stainless steel blender bottles.
Wes talks about how he built a Telegram bot using Node.js that constantly polled COVID vaccine availability APIs and notified him when appointments became available so he could quickly book one.
Discussion on setting up React with TypeScript, typing components, props, state, hooks, and other common patterns when using the two technologies together.
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski discuss the various ways developers can make money as creators through selling products, services, training, sponsorships, donations and more.
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski discuss controversial developer opinions including naming conventions, code editors, themes, exports, and more.
Wes and Scott discuss using the native drag and drop API in JavaScript to enable dragging elements between web apps and customizing the drag experience.
Scott and Wes have a fun discussion about HTML tags including semantic HTML, accessibility, SEO, default styling, and lesser known tags. They also talk about what tags they wish existed natively like textarea autosize and animated accordions.
Discussion of difficulties styling default HTML elements like inputs and media players, techniques like overlapping DOM elements to customize, and new initiatives like Open UI to standardize native UI components.
Wes and Scott answer listener questions on freelancing, component design, debouncing vs throttling, career moves, integrating React into legacy systems, and more.
Scott and Wes discuss what technical debt is, why it happens, and strategies to avoid it or work around it.
Wes and Scott answer audience questions about web development topics like WordPress, browser testing, course building, and more.
Discussion of 4 new frameworks - Astro, Vitkit, SvelteKit and Remix. All are focused on server-side rendering and simplicity.
Getting deeper into TypeScript fundamentals like any vs unknown, generics, inference, definitions, and assertions.
Discussion on Git rebase - what it is, when and why to use it, and how it can help with workflows, tidying commits and resolving merge conflicts.
Wes goes through his journey of designing, selling, and shipping his own t-shirts using various technologies to optimize the process.
Discussion of the new CSS container queries feature recently added to Chrome Canary. Details on syntax, usage, why needed, resize observer issues, contain property, inline/block sizes, logical properties, best practices, and trying it out today.
Scott and Wes bos explain the dev tools tabs in Chrome and Firefox, detailing what each one does and providing tips and tricks for using them effectively.