TypeScript Interview Questions - STUMP’d
Wes and Scott quiz each other on advanced TypeScript features and syntax in a segment they call 'Stumped'.

Wes and Scott quiz each other on advanced TypeScript features and syntax in a segment they call 'Stumped'.
Discussion on writing small scripts to help coworkers and improve workflows using tools like FFmpeg, AI, and automation
Wes recounts how the Taliban taking over Afghanistan resulted in his bos.af domain being revoked, and discusses the intricacies and risks of getting clever country code top-level domains.
Discussion on properly setting up DMARC, SPF and DKIM to ensure your transactional and marketing emails reach the inbox rather than spam.
This episode covers the new native CSS scoping feature using the @scope rule, how it works, what problems it solves, and browser support status.
HTMLX is a small library for swapping out parts of your UI with responses from a server. It brings back AJAX and is not a full replacement for React.
Covers new Svelte 5 features focused on speed, simplicity and smaller bundles including the $state, $effect and $props syntax changes.
Discussion on how time works on computers and issues that arise when working with dates and time in JavaScript. Covers time infrastructure, standards, and new Temporal API.
Wes and Scott discuss productivity habits like tracking goals, scheduling focus time, simplifying workflows, and pushing through procrastination to build momentum.
Discussion of practical examples and use cases unlocked by the CSS :has() selector being supported across all major browsers.