August 31st, 2020 × #Web Development#Podcasts#JavaScript
Hasty Treat - End of Season Wrap Up
Scott and Wes wrap up season 1 of Syntax and discuss plans for season 2, favorite episodes of the year, and the top 10 most downloaded episodes so far.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
Monday. Monday. Monday.
Open wide dev fans. Get ready to stuff your face with JavaScript, CSS, Node modules, barbecue tips, get workflows, breakdancing, soft skill, web development, the hastiest, the craziest, the tastiest web development treats coming in hot. Here is Wes, barracuda, Bos, and Scott, el toroloco, Tolinski.
Scott Tolinski
Welcome to syntax.
Wrap up of season 1, episode 279
Scott Tolinski
In this Monday, hasty treat. We are going to be wrapping up season 1 of syntax, and this is episode 279.
Scott Tolinski
This is the last episode of season 1. I think this is hilarious.
Scott Tolinski
So my name is Scott Tolinski, and I'm a full stack developer from Denver, Colorado. And with me as always is the Wes boss.
Wes Bos
Hey, everybody. I think don't don't be afraid, everybody. We we'll be back on Wednesday.
Wes Bos
We just what is it right now? It's June July 8, and we've recorded up to September right now. So we're a little ahead, and we're taking
Scott Tolinski
some time to swim. Yes. We're taking some time to swim, and that's what I'm gonna be doing in the the kiddie pool in the backyard underneath the peach tree. That's gonna be a lot of fun.
Plans for season 2 changes: new intros/outros, segments
Scott Tolinski
End of the season wrap up. That's what we're talking about. We're gonna be starting season 2 of Syntax, which is going to bring some tremendous changes. That's right. The huge, huge changes such as maybe maybe adding 1 segment and getting a, bumpers.
Scott Tolinski
We're well, I don't think we're exactly changing a whole Scott, but I do wanna talk a little bit about maybe some of the the plans here for the fall. So bumpers, which are also commonly known as bumpers in the industry, are the audio bits in the show. Now, Wes, I don't know what your thoughts are because we haven't really talked too too much about this, but I I would love to get some bumpers for the different segments, like shameless plugs and sickbay. As long as they're fast. I don't need, like, a song for each one, but just, like No. Node 3 seconds. The shameless
Wes Bos
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Long here's here's my request, though. Only one of them can be grunge because, like, we don't wanna like, okay. We got the grunge. And by grunge, I mean, like, like like screamo or something.
Wes Bos
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I I don't think that would that would do well. That that's, like, a a downside to liking, like, hardcore music is that you can never ever play it around your friends or family or anything like that because nobody else understands.
Wes Bos
And it's like Yeah. It's like it's also when you see people, like, blasting their music and you're just like, like, I'm not impressed by you, you Node? Like, it doesn't do for me.
Wes Bos
So we're gonna get some new intros for the podcast as well. We'll be getting rid of the 2 intros that we have because Scott is transitioning from El Toro Loco to Turbo Tolinski.
Scott transitioning from El Toro Loco to Turbo Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
Turbo Tolinski, it's about time because, like, El Toro Loco is somebody else's nickname. Okay? It's a it's a monster truck, and I really I don't want to compete with a monster truck. Granted, me and the monster truck, we share some, we share some some some some tight bonds. Courtney actually got Landon a remote controlled El Toro logo for his birthday, which is pretty sweet. It's huge.
Scott Tolinski
It's a big remote controlled Yarn. So I think turbo is the right way to go. There's alliteration there. It's faster.
Scott Tolinski
It is not shared with anybody else.
Scott Tolinski
I like it, but it's, it's up to
Wes Bos
you. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Wes Barracuda Bos need to be renamed too? Should I should I do some introspection on maybe a new
Wes considering name change too
Scott Tolinski
a new handle? I mean, it depends. If if you want a new handle, that could be part of season 2. New new new season, new us for, season 2 of syntax. We could add some really fun stuff. I don't know. Yeah. Maybe what would some other good b words, Wes the boss with Wes s's, boss.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Something like that. Not. Wait. What about Wes the Bos baby? I mean, you're not really a Boss Baby, but there's the movie Boss Baby.
Wes Bos
So talking about intros, I had this amazing idea.
Scott Tolinski
Scott doesn't like it. Well, so we're gonna get banned. I don't wanna get banned. If let's say He knows. Let's say let no, Wes. Here, you hear me out here. Banned from what? This is the Internet.
Scott Tolinski
If that door if okay. Let's let's paint a picture for you here. You're sitting at home. All of a sudden, you get a knock on the door. You open that door. Who is it? It's Tom DeLonge. Spotify. And they they they Scott a piggle Will Ferrell wheelbarrow full of money for you, and they say A Will Ferrell full of money.
Scott Tolinski
Wheelbarrow full of money for you. And they say, hey, Wes. This is Joe Rogan money. You want that Joe Rogan money? Well, let's, let's sign a contract with Spotify. Oh, wait. Your theme song is a is a blatant, copyright abuse of a ESLint 182 song, and
Wes Bos
We will not give you the wheelbarrow full of cash. Can I at least say what the lyrics were? Because I felt like this was just gold. It goes to the tune of Blink 182, What's My Age Again? It says, I took out my phone. It was a Monday morning. I scroll alone to find that podcast link, and that's about the time that I turned on my PC.
Wes Bos
Nobody likes you Wes you jquery.
Wes Bos
What the hell is TDD? This bug makes me want to rage.
Wes Bos
And then I just this is just partial. I'm not done yet. Sure. My friends say I should no. I don't that's not the part.
Wes Bos
And that's about the time that I drank coffee.
Wes Bos
Nobody likes that. Wesley, you sure do love your fresh books now and that damn Sanity. Node my century says I should give up, and that's as far as I go.
Wes Bos
Oh my gosh. Found a guy on 5 radio and recorded. I am not
Scott Tolinski
oh my gosh. No. We're gonna get banned. They're gonna be, 2 live crew band in the USA for that. That's for sure.
Scott Tolinski
Okay. So we're gonna get new bumpers, some new songs, maybe a new intros for all the episodes, and maybe new outros. Who knows? We have time to think about this, while we take our our just slight summer break. We're also gonna be adding a sweet new segment, which the start of this new segment was hilarious. So the new segment's called the syntax highlight. We're going to highlight people in our community who are doing really great work, who, who do not have a platform or Scott being elevated or not being, you know, shown off as being this really cool project. So we're gonna elevate people doing awesome work, and I I think it's a great way to really help the community learn about really interesting developers' projects and, hopefully, even get get some eyes on their work if if that's a a thing that needs to happen. Right? Totally. Totally. So we came up with this a while ago, and we asked on Twitter what would be a good name for this, not realizing that it was just staring us in the face that Syntax Highlight was, like, the best best name ever for it. I it was, like, the biggest duh moment in the world for me. Like, how did we not think of that? We're so clever, and Wes thought of all these other things, but not syntax highlight.
Favorite hasty and tasty treats of the year
Wes Bos
So Awesome. Let's move on to, we'll talk about our favorite Hasty's and Tastes of the year so far because we're kinda halfway through the Yarn, And then we'll we'll end it off with the top episodes of this year so far just to give you an idea of of what people are loving.
Wes Bos
So what was your favorite hasty and tasty there, Scott? Oh, yeah. So my favorite,
Scott Tolinski
hasty. I really think that my favorite hasty was man, we did this, like, series where we we did, like, Versus Node tips. There was, like, multiple hasties. I don't know if that's that's cheating because it's technically the length of a tasty, but I really like those Versus Code episodes 1, 2, 3. I think we probably even had 1 more a little bit later, but those were in August 2019, so just about as far away as we can from right now. But, are we talking about season 1 entirely, which is all 270 episodes, or do we need that Wes year? Just 2020 so far. Oh, just 2020.
Scott Tolinski
Oh, I went to 2019 because it was still calendar year.
Wes Bos
My hasty is is sort of a tie between the serverless episode, which I thought Wes, like we've been working on that one for a long time, and that was a really good explainer episode.
Wes Bos
I really like doing the explainer episodes. They take a lot of research, but, it's it's enjoyable to put out a nice valuable piece of content like that.
Wes Bos
And the WebRTC Node with Ian Ramsey, where he talked about his ZipCall. Io, and it was just like a it's an awesome chat with him because he just, like, just kinda hacked the thing together, and it really took off. And he had a really good, like, approach to just doing it, which which I really like. So a lot of people also really enjoyed that. They found it kind of motivational. They go, oh, that guy just kind of made stuff work and it panned out, Wes you don't have to, like, do everything absolutely perfect. So that that was my favorite, Tasty.
Wes Bos
I hear Hasty was maybe the modules in Node 1. That was another good explainer as to what's going on because there's a lot of misinformation as to what's going on with it. So that was a good one.
Scott Tolinski
I think my favorite hasty was the the series. I'm going to series. For some reason, I like the series, but it's the the ones that Yarn, like, reasons why your website is slow. I think there's 3 of them in that series. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and those were all really good helpful helpful tips, and and and something that I really spend a lot of time on myself. It's also something that I have a bit of a sore spot with with people on YouTube who, continue to leave mean comments on my video that expresses good information.
Scott Tolinski
Like, I have a video on how to reduce HTTP Wes, and and people will get angry at it. So, I think I think the the slow website, hasty treats, are fantastic.
Scott Tolinski
I have, I'm gonna break the rules here and do 2 favorite Tasties.
Scott Tolinski
One of which is the episode where my lovely wife came on the show, Mental Health and Dev, featuring doctor Kornie Tolinski. She She talked about depression, anxiety, imposter syndrome, answered a bunch of, questions from people in sort of anonymous ways, and we just talked through some mental health stuff. And it's really great to have her on the show because I get to to live with her and pick her brain 247 about this kind of stuff, so it's really great for her to come on and share some of that knowledge that she's gained.
Scott Tolinski
My other favorite one is the one where I taught Wes Svelte because, I get to talk about Svelte the whole Node, so I like that.
Wes Bos
Awesome. And then let's let's wrap it up here. We'll just talk about the top 10 episodes of 2020 so far. These are ranked by download, so we'll stop at the start at the 10th most popular episodes. So, wait, we've got 6 We've had 6 months, and we do 8 episodes. We've had 48 episodes so far. So this is the top 10 out of 48.
Top 10 most popular episodes of 2020 so far
Wes Bos
Number 10 was 2020 fitness, which is a little update as to where we're at with our fitness goals and, just benefits of fitness in general as being a web developer? Yeah. Number 9 here is more on serverless
Scott Tolinski
where we talked a lot about databases, secrets, often more, all sorts of serverless stuff here, which is it's not super surprising to me that this one is popular, but, again, it it just goes to show you. I mean, there's there's hype around serverless in general.
Wes Bos
The next, number 8 Wes, I'm really glad to see this one up there, is the Synology show. So this has nothing to do with web development, and a 100% of just Scott and I geeking out about tech hardware and backup solutions and, local home servers.
Wes Bos
And that was that was a really big show, long show, and we just talked about all kinds of stuff that it can do. And that's I'm really glad to see that that was one of our most popular episodes because that was a fun one to do. So we should do more of those. Just like, I wanna do, like, a networking show, maybe like a home video show, thing like that. Yeah. Oh.
Scott Tolinski
Next 1 is going to be, Yarn web dev GUI is going to replace us? All about the sort of Node. Not necessarily the no code movement, but the movement to be able to build things without code.
Scott Tolinski
So the the age old question JS, is Dreamweaver going to make my job obsolete? And, obviously, we talk about the whys and whats and just all of the somewhat controversial topics around that surrounding that that viewpoint.
Wes Bos
6th most popular one was a potluck where we talked about fonts, frameworks, teas, coding subscriptions, client work, and more. It's funny. I'm looking at the top ones. A lot of them are are potlucks. I'm glad to see that everybody loves the potlucks. Yeah. Those potlucks are great. They're some of my favorite episodes to record. Number 5
Scott Tolinski
is Pika package, which was the really great episode.
Scott Tolinski
It was is this the only Node with a guest on that we had in this in this top view? Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. So this episode was really, really cool because we learned all about this this new thing. Fred Fred Schott came on and talked about Peeka package, and it was very cool.
Scott Tolinski
Basically, this this new type of package registry, really fast bundle rebuild. We talked about some of those projects that have since gained not only quite a bit of growth in their thing, but they've also evolved quite a bit. We have Snowpack v 2. We talked about a bunch of that stuff in this episode, and that was the 1st time I'd ever heard about Snowpack project. So really cool stuff.
Wes Bos
Number 4 is the serverless and cloud function. So both of our serverless shows are up here, and they're just within a couple 1,000 downloads each in the top ten. So, again, that was my favorite. I didn't even look at this before, but my favorite episodes were in the top one. So we talked about serverless and cloud functions and,
Scott Tolinski
all the different providers and sort of the ideas behind it all. That was a good one. Next up, we have a a Pollak, which is the one where we talked about it's episode 218 where we talk about, developer culture. We talk about Slack communities. We talk about backpacks, which we are want to do. Also, Vanilla JS and some other stuff. These pod look like you know, these these are great. We we cover a lot of ground in these episodes, and I think it, like, really gives us an opportunity to to share a lot of what we've picked up in our our time in this industry.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
The number pnpm Node, and this is I guarantee this is clickbait ESLint, Next versus Gatsby, headless CMS, Vue JS, is Ruby on Rails still good, and more.
Scott Tolinski
So that was, our most popular episode by our Node to blow your mind here, but when you copied and pasted this list, it added the true number 1 to the heading of the columns and not up. So the Node you just listed off was actually number 2, not even number 1, which I'm surprised because I thought I thought that one would have been number 1. So I told you I was saving a banger to blow your mind, and I was.
Scott Tolinski
The number one Node covered. None covered. Right? The number 1 episode of the past 2020 so far is tech to watch in 2020, which was our episode released on January 18th, and it has almost 10,000 more downloads than the pre the next one in line. So by far, our most popular episode.
Wes Bos
Wow. Very good one. Very good episode too. The other ones were, like, 100 apart, and then the the number 1 episode was, like, 10,000 apart. Yeah. Right. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
So that's the end of season 1 of Syntax.
Scott Tolinski
We will join you next season for Syntax Wes we dive into topics like, web development, barbecue tips, breakdancing, soft skills.
Scott Tolinski
I'm trying to remember all of them, but we're not changing the content. The content is going to remain the same, and we're going to continue to bring you education Wes or at least Mondays Wednesdays for an hour and a half.
Wes Bos
Beautiful. Alright. Thanks so much for tuning in, and we are off for a couple months. But you will not miss us because we'll be back on Wednesday. We will catch you next season.
Scott Tolinski