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January 8th, 2025 × #AI#React#2025

2025 Web Development Predictions

In this 2025 web development predictions episode, Scott and Wes make guesses about what will happen in AI, React, CSS, Svelte, servers, and more over the next couple years.

Topic 0 00:00


Wes Bos

Welcome to Syntax. Today, we have a predictions episode for you. Every single year, we do a predictions episodes early in January to talk about what we think is going to happen in web development, what we think is gonna change, things that will go away, things that will get popular.

Wes Bos

And then at the end of the year, we always review them and see how right or how wrong we were with these types of things because we're usually pretty good at at guessing these things. But often, it's it's we're hilariously wrong, which just goes to show that you shouldn't listen to anyone.

Wes Bos

Everybody's just guessing, you know, especially if someone has something to sell you as well. My name is Wes Bos. I'm a developer from Canada. With me, as always, is Scott Talinski. How are you doing, Scott? Oh. Happy New Year. Happy New

Wes Bos

Yarn. New Year in new me. I am, yeah, I'm dealing with some, Strep 30 kids at home. It feels like kids are sick just 247. Yeah. That's, like, the name of the game. Like that. Yeah. Yep. That sucks. But yeah. No. ESLint, feeling like I'm I'm stoked for, well, even just, like, whenever you go over the contents of this episode and you start to, like, make your predictions, it's like Yeah. It's like, to me, I get really excited because I'm like, oh, I could potentially get all these things this year. That's really exciting to me. And, just even talking about it makes it feel like they're already here. So yeah. No. I'm stoked. Yeah. For sure. And I wanna I wanna push backwards. I think we have a, actually, a very good hit rate on these episodes. I think Oh, yeah. I think Wes almost always get a hit rate. Yeah. What percentage would you say our hit rate is? That's actually great. Great question. Over the years, I don't know. I I would say we get close to 80. Yeah. 2. Yeah. 80 JS, I think, where we're at. So 20% of the stuff we tell you will not happen.

Wes Bos

For sure. Maybe it's just because we're optimistic.

Wes Bos

But let's the way we're gonna do it is we're gonna go back and forth giving each other our predictions, and then we're gonna sort of react to each other and and say what we think. Does does that sound good? Yes. Sounds great. But you know what else? We have a greater than 82%

Wes Bos

of, success rate in closing our bugs with Sentry. That's right. We have, like, a if we actually look at our Sentry, which we do very frequently, we have a 100% hit rate because it makes it easy to find and solve our bugs.

Wes Bos

Just kind of endlessly easy. Not only do you get, code replay, which is, I think, just a supremely underrated feature of being able to see exactly what happened when it happened so that way you can fix it. Man, that that feature alone because, you know, it's as a visual person, just reading through a bunch of stack traces and, logs and stuff like that isn't my favorite way to solve bugs. But if I can see a little somebody clicked here and just broke. Like Or even just the the weird states. Remember Wes had that one with the player? We're like, how the hell did somebody make that error happen? Like, we could not do it. And we just watch them click around the website.

Wes Bos

We go, oh, I see what they were doing. You know? I didn't I didn't expect somebody to do that. Yeah. Totally. For sure. So if you want all that more, head on over to century.i0forward/syntax.

Wes Bos

Sign up and get 2 months for free with the coupon code Sanity treat, all lowercase, all one word. So, Wes, would you like to make the very you wanna just put your flag in the ground and make your your first prediction here? Yeah. And I'll tell actually, sorry. Before we get going here, I'm gonna explain to the audience how we're doing it this year. Wes and I both not seen each other's prediction list. We both have our independent prediction list. We're gonna go back and forth giving one of our predictions. If I also have it on my list, I will declare that I also have it on my list.

Wes Bos

And if it's on Wes' list and only Wes' list, then we'll just go keep going back and forth until all of our predictions are are done. Alright. So my first one is one of the things we got wrong last year, and I am predicting that the temporal

Wes Bos

JavaScript API will ship in both Safari and Chrome by the end of the year. And we had predicted this last year, and it did not happen a whole Scott, part of which was because the API was waiting on a standards body to implement time zone standards, but now I feel like it's it's gonna happen. And and for those who don't know, the temporal API in JavaScript is an API for working with dates, times, durations without having to necessarily tack them onto a specific date in time. So you could just say August 30th. Right? That's that's a date, but it's not attached to a time zone. It's not attached to a year. It doesn't have a specific 12 AM, attached to it. You can attach all of those things, and there's amazing APIs for that type of thing. But the temporal API is going to is absolutely massive and going to be such a game changer to a point where I think, like, other languages will be jealous of how amazing temporal is.

Topic 1 03:47

Temporal JavaScript API will ship in Safari and Chrome

Wes Bos

Yes. It it is quite truly the the date system of my dreams. I'm I've been using temporal via the polyfill for a bit. It is fantastic. There's great learning resources on how to use it, but, yeah, you can use something like an instant, a plain date, a plain date, time, ISO. I mean, there's it's really fantastic API. And I wanna say, Wes, on my list, temporal will actually ship. So that is my and I don't I don't necessarily mean ship in all browsers, but I think it will ship somewhere because this thing is just too good, and I I think people really want it. And and I'm going to will it into existence once again by putting it on my list here as well. So Yeah. I can't imagine how hard it is to implement, though, because you know how much of a pain in the butt it is to work with time zones.

Wes Bos

Imagine having to write the logic for actually write

Wes Bos

I don't want to do that. That said, you know, I will say that usage with the polyfill today is super clean. It's super good. It works very Wes. And the polyfill isn't even that large. So if the polyfill works, now granted, that's a far cry from getting it in the browser.

Wes Bos

I do think that, you know, technically, these problems have been solved, and it just needs to be agreed and implemented. And yeah. I you know? That's that's already agreed on. It's it's, as far as I know, it's done. It's just browsers need to implement it. Okay. Well, let's go. Let's go already, people who aren't me, who are actually doing the work.

Wes Bos

That's how it is. Right? Easy for me to say, let's go. Let's push button. But yeah. So prediction number 1, we both have it. Temporal will actually shit. Put it down. It's gonna happen, folks. Here's a here's one that I I think is, pretty interesting. I think we'll get more use case and more commonly seen on device AI being used.

Wes Bos

I think right now, right, anytime and I I guess that's you know, you'd call it small models or whatever. I think, right now, we are using on device AI to do some things, but, you know, I I think it's going to become way more usable and ubiquitous. I mean, for instance, just recently, I've been doing OCR.

Topic 2 06:36

More usage of on-device AI due to small models and WebGPU performance

Wes Bos

And I don't know if you would technically consider that AI, on device AI, OCR. It's it's,

Wes Bos

it's technically object detection, which is a form of AI.

Wes Bos

Yeah. So I believe that that stuff is gonna be way more ubiquitous and easy to use for developers, and, therefore, we will see people using on device AI features

Wes Bos

way more frequently. I agree. And the kicker for this is not only the size. Like, we're seeing a lot of, like, models where it makes sense. Oh, I could load that. That's not that big. You know? That makes sense to load that for that feature and run it either in the browser or on your your user's device.

Wes Bos

But the other part of it is is it fast enough? You know? Like, do you you need a beefy server to run this? And we have a new feature being added both to the browsers as well as to server JavaScript, which called Wes GPU.

Wes Bos

And that's going to allow us to run these models on the user's GPU, and and then you get major performance benefits out of that. Because currently, most of them are running in

Wes Bos

a WASM build. Yeah. And and they can be fast, but they also can be a little bit slow depending on, obviously, what the model does. Totally. And then for those of you wondering what the status of Wes GPU JS, is it's in technology preview in Safari, and it's behind the flag in Firefox. And it's been in Chrome for a bit. So, yeah, WebGPU, it it's coming, for sure. And I think it'll actually get us a lot of cool things beyond I hate it. Stuff. So Google has a project called Dawn,

Wes Bos

which is a native GPU implementation, and then you're allowed you can then use that. It's written in c plus plus and and c, but then you can just use it via, like, native add ons in Node and BUN. And then Node, Deno already has WebGPU shipped. Mhmm. So I'm just hoping it means I have to write less Python because I every time I go down that route of trying to run some I was trying to run WhisperX the other day to do some transcription, which is like a like a better whisper.

Wes Bos

And, like, I got, like, like, an hour in, and I was just ready to throw my laptop out the window. All these Pnpm pipe PIP install everything, and it just it made me so mad that it like, people talk about Node. Js dependencies.

Wes Bos

Python is a freaking wild west. It is. And it like you said, I I went to PIP install something, and it was like, this package doesn't exist. I'm like, what do you mean it doesn't exist? I'm looking at the PIP page right here, and it's clearly there. I've used, like, Conda

Wes Bos

and all these other third party managers, but then I have, like, competing Vercel. And then I have the PIP 3, and then things aren't in use properly. And It's like, oh, this is available for only PIP version,

Wes Bos

3.1.10 and lower, but not 3.12.

Wes Bos

Even though I you know, 3.12 is what we came on my computer by default or whatever. I'm just like, come on.

Wes Bos

Yeah. I I know. It's just weird. I don't know. Maybe it's probably just a a skill issue, obviously. But, yes, I I do find it to be extremely obnoxious working in that stuff. Do you have skill issue, but I I almost wanna just run Docker for all of us. But then when you're running Docker, you can't access your

Wes Bos

computer's GPU all the time. That's a whole another setup. So Yes. Pain. Yeah.

Wes Bos

Did you have this 1 on your list explicitly? I had

Wes Bos

just I had the WebGPU thing in there, which is similar. I think that, yeah, we're going to see see that.

Wes Bos

But I also here's another one of my AI predictions is that we're going to see a plateau, of AI, meaning that we will these models aren't going to get a 1000 times better every single Yarn.

Wes Bos

And a lot of the products and I guess we're starting to see this already with things like Cursor. The products are really focusing on how do you get the best possible results out of the models that we already have.

Topic 3 10:41

AI models will plateau, but text-to-UI will improve for quick prototyping

Wes Bos

And and, like, what does that mean for things like v Deno and and Bolt Scott news? Another Node, lovable Scott dev that just popped up the other day where you can write text text to UI as prototyping. I think that those will still become a lot more popular be for quickly prototyping applications out. There's there still will be a plateau at some point where you have to you can no longer make the AI fix what it is that you want, but that that's my predictions. AI is gonna plateau, but the text to UI is going to get even even better and even faster to a point where maybe even people will stop using, like, a Figma to prototype things. And maybe that's even already happening.

Wes Bos

Yeah. I Node. A lot of this stuff I I I think you're right in the regard to that. It's not going to be the AI then itself, but, like, the the way that the AI is being used and linked together to do different things. I I mean, I mean, I saw a crazy demo today of Node that was able to take video and separate video into separate layers. So if it's like if it was, you know, recording a video of us in our office right now, it would be able to cut me out and have me on a layer and then my background on another layer. And it was just still in the background? Yes. It's it was it was wild. It showed some, like, kids playing on a beach, and it had all both the kids separate on their own layers and the beach I just think about, like, the amount of work to mask and do stuff like that in the past.

Wes Bos

I think just things like that will continue to be wild that might seem like wild that are are using the current tools, but, like, really taking a different look or approach to it. I had access to GitHub.

Wes Bos

I guess not get it's Copilot workspace. They're they're very clear that you you're not supposed to call it GitHub workspaces. You're not supposed to call it Copilot workspaces. You're supposed to call it Copilot workspace.

Wes Bos

And Copilot workspace is a, you know, basically, text to PR kind of system. And even though it wasn't perfect when I used it, I gotta say the general idea that deleted the read me.

Wes Bos

Oh, yeah. Oh, it did it did much more than that was. It did it did a lot more destructive things than that. It was kind of like a a a, you know, a little demon in our code base for a bit. But I gotta tell you, I do think that yeah. I do think they're going to I think they're gonna get it right, and I think that kind of thing is gonna be like, oh, you have a bug? Just toss it to Copilot Workspace and let it fix it for you, which, hey.

Wes Bos

I'll take that. Right? Here's here's one that is not AI related.

Wes Bos

That way Wes can maybe go back and forth on some AI stuff because I'm sure you have some more. I think that's different from my AI stuff. Okay. I have more. But I'll I'll save them because I don't wanna inundate people with too much AI stuff.

Wes Bos

Web awesome will become the most used web components library, and maybe not the most used right out of the gate. But what I do think maybe the language on this needs to be tweaked. I think Wes awesome is going to take off. I think people are going to use it. I think they're going to like it. I think they're going to talk about it, and I think it's going to cause, usage of web components for little tiny interface things to really be utilized in the way that I personally feel like web components are best utilized.

Wes Bos

I had some chance to work with the alpha of

Topic 4 14:08

Web Awesome web components library will gain popularity

Wes Bos

Wes Awesome, which is a You wanna give a quick rundown of what it is for anyone who didn't hear that episode? You bet. Web Bos is basically

Wes Bos

you could think of it as like a, web components component library. And these things have styling. They they they can have some default styling, but it's mostly UI styling.

Wes Bos

They they can basically you say, oh, I want a star rating, you know, like 5 stars. You click on 1. It has an event. They feel like actual HTML elements, so I drop in, I want a rating component. I tell it that it's, you know, on on select event or whatever passes an ESLint, and bingo bingo. It feels like a real native element. Now there are so many of these awesome, awesome components within Wes Awesome already. And I'm in the alpha, like I mentioned.

Wes Bos

And I used that one. It worked flawlessly. And it it's it's alpha. There's color picker, copy button, details, dialog divider, drop down format by its format date Scott.

Wes Bos

I I could just keep on going, pop up progress bar. I mean, a lot of these things are things that we have, but they're, like, nicer versions of them with more options that does more. Yeah. A split pane, a skeleton screen.

Wes Bos

There's just some really great really great little web components here that are are things that are gonna be perfect for dropping in, especially because these work so well by just dropping in an individual script. Anytime you need one of them means you're not installing some big old library. You're not having it to be tied to React. These things can be taken other places.

Wes Bos

I used it, and it was an extremely smooth HTML like experience. And I think other people are gonna be like, oh, dang. This is actually

Wes Bos

a really good use case for web components here. So, yeah, I'm I'm a high on, Wes Awesome for sure. I I had 1 in there. Let me look for it. JS Wes will be using more web components. So I don't think that, the listener will necessarily even care that things like Web Awesome are web components.

Wes Bos

They just know that they just pop the tag, and the tag goes bloop bloop bloop and does its thing.

Wes Bos

And I don't know that everybody listening will also author their own web components.

Wes Bos

But I think that these libraries of simply just being able to use them between, like, the MuxPlayer, the Web Awesome stuff, and a couple other implementations that I've been seeing it even like the Stream Deck. The Stream Deck, you build your own, plug in for it. All the UI components for working with text inputs and number draggers and things like that are all web component based, and I think that we are going to love using them. I don't know that we'll all write our own, but they will love to use them. I will say I probably will not author a web component in 2025,

Wes Bos

but I will use them. Absolutely.

Wes Bos

So along that sort of idea of web components, mine was, there will be a push towards and I don't even know if this exists, but it's called the standard stack, meaning that when all the features that you use is you try to opt for standards based first, Meaning that, like, you try to use, CSS scoping and CSS starting style and all of those, like, new CSS things that we got. Right? And then you you flip over to HTML, and we have dialogue and popover and and CSS anchor. Right? You flip over to JavaScript.

Wes Bos

Both on the client and the server, we have streams and fetch and web Wes and web response and, you you know, like, just default. And it doesn't matter that you are or or even e s m. You know? Just maybe just shipping e s m straight to the browser.

Topic 5 17:37

Developers will use more standards like CSS scoping and JavaScript streams

Wes Bos

And it doesn't matter that if you're using React or whatever. I'm not saying people are not going to use that. I'm just I'm saying that the choices that you make are are now often moving out of library or framework land and moving a little bit further out to the standard stack.

Wes Bos

Totally. I could see that doing less on the framework, less in the framework, less very specific things. I think we all have a bit of from having to support the React way of doing all of the things, whether that is, virtual DOM or synthetic events or any of that stuff. Right? You're having to bring that along from React version to React version updated. I know that people in the past probably felt more pain with this when we had to go from, classes to functions, etcetera.

Wes Bos

But I do agree, and this is something this is how I know you're right is because this is something I was on for the past, like, 2 years Node, and that's typically you know, I'm typically a couple years ahead of everyone else is is how I like to think about it.

Wes Bos

I'm joking, folks. But I I do think that part of me working in Svelte so much is that you do utilize browser API so much more. You do utilize standards based things more. And I do think that that JS, people will open their eyes like, oh, wait. The browser has this included.

Wes Bos

Maybe we should be using this, because it's it's nice. It's fast. It's easy. Yeah. The amount of people that were excited about the form data API when,

Wes Bos

React Vercel Components came out, it just shows you that, yeah, there's not a lot of people know that there are primitives built into the browser for these things, and and you should certainly use them

Wes Bos

when possible. Yeah. For sure. Cool. Yeah. I like that Node. And, not something that I had on my list, but I do I do really Node that idea. And it's personally something that I resonates with me very, very much.

Wes Bos

Here's one that is let's do some CSS features. Here here's Node. We'll see well, we can do a couple of CSS features. You tell me if you have this one. We can actually use relative color.

Wes Bos

Oh, that's I didn't have that on there, but I'm I'm now wondering because I am what's the relative color at right now? I think it's

Wes Bos

here, but Scott,

Wes Bos

it's here, but not it's 88% support. So that feels like a lock. This feels like this almost feels like cheating. Yeah. Because I was like, oh, shoot. I just shipped a website using relative color. Yeah. It's in it's in every single browser, and it has been for

Wes Bos

Yeah. Not that long. But been in in Safari

Wes Bos

for almost 2 years by the time you're listening to this.

Wes Bos

So It was really September 15,

Wes Bos

2024. Node it yeah. The thing about you you guys who just glance at can I use and then Yeah? Say no Node. You talk about filters. I like I like my features fully implemented, Wes. Okay. So the only part that you couldn't use from current or on relative color since March 26, 2023 was you can't use the word current color. I like current color. Absolutely. Everything else is was fully supported for almost 2 years now. So But Opera Mini does not have support for a Mini. Get out of here. No one's using Opera Mini.

Wes Bos

I know. No kidding. But it JS. I would like to see this at, like, 94% or something. I would like to see that percentage be a little bit higher. That's it. I am Yeah. The type of I I I would like to see that other people other than us, you know,

Wes Bos

boundary pushers, will be able to to use here. Because a lot of people still are. Like, in the last episode we recorded, I talked about a bug I had to fix on Bos 15.

Wes Bos

Yeah. And you certainly can provide fallbacks for older browsers, but that's a bit of a pain. You know? Because relative colors are tough.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Alright. I think I think that one will certainly happen. We're gonna start using that in all of them. My one along this thing is that Vercel CSS is gonna have a comeback, meaning that there are so many things that have been added to CSS. You know? Yes. Scoping, relative color.

Wes Bos

What are there's, like, CSS anchors API, starting style.

Wes Bos

What are the other ones? I we we go over this list every single episode. We do. There's 2 things. At least 10 features in CSS that are absolutely amazing. And as browser support becomes like, not just they're in all the browsers, but they're they've been in the browsers for a while Node, I think we're gonna see a lot of people being like, oh, wow. This actually does everything that I want. And and just like you see people shipping e s m straight to the browser, I think we'll start to see people just shipping straight up style tags to the browser, which is I know a lot of people still do that already, but I'm talking, like, no utility framework, no transpiler, compiler, or nothing like that. Just straight up. That's me. That's how I do it. Again, I'm a little bit early on this one. I agree. On what? On where do you where do you ship straight up CSS?

Wes Bos

Everywhere. On my own on my own work. Website.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos


Wes Bos

D boy tools. Okay. I'm gonna pick a new rule. You cannot use your your personal blog as a, an example for something like that.

Wes Bos

No framework. Nothing.

Wes Bos

Aren't you using you're not using Svelte there? Svelte. But what's Svelte doing for the CSS? I'm not using scoping. Writing CSS in Svelte, and Svelte is processing and figuring out which bits go where? It's just adding it's adding classes for scoping. But Yeah. There. It's there. Oh. That's what I'm talking about. And are you preprocessing?

Wes Bos

I'm not preprocessing it. It's just adding classes. That's I don't know if that counts.

Wes Bos

Here here's 1 I have. We'll actually have a complete mix ins and or functions API for CSS.

Wes Bos

Yes. I have that as well. CSS mix ins and functions will be firmed up, but not in any browser.

Wes Bos

So the it's currently in intent to author. I forget the names of it, but, basically, it's the w three c has said, okay. We will now spec this out. And then once it's been spec'd out, then it's the browser Scott to implement it to see, is this really how it should work? So we're still very early in mix ins and functions, but I think it will be firmed up to a point where browsers will be able to start implementing it in 2026.

Wes Bos

Yes. I'm, I'm very stoked for that, and and it does seem like there is some real work being done on that as we speak. So I think that's a pretty good prediction. I also have another one that conditionals, aka style queries will ship in every browser.

Wes Bos

So style queries container style queries. And the reason why I'm referring to these as conditionals, folks, is because you can basically use a media query or a container query JS you would might say a style query using a variable as a value to check to see if this variable has a value of blank, then apply the CSS. That's conditionals to me, baby. So yeah. Yeah. Conditionals will ship in all browsers.

Wes Bos

It it really replaces Sanity anytime you, like, add a class for, like, a, like, a a version like, the the simplest one is is simply light or dark. Is this container light or dark? But there are many other use cases where you could set, like, extended or open. You know? You don't have to add a open state. You set a open CSS variable, and then you can query the container.

Wes Bos

So when this container is open, then apply the rest of the styles. I think that's pretty nifty to be able to extend it past just classes and into, custom properties.

Wes Bos

Yes. So, yeah, it's it's it's adding if statements

Wes Bos

to CSS. Right. Functions and if states. Programming language. CSS becomes a programming language. 2025.

Wes Bos

You heard it here. Yeah.

Wes Bos

Do you have any other CSS ones? My last one JS people still make jokes about vertically centering. Yes. This always kills me because we now have probably, I don't know, if I were to guess probably 20 different ways to center something in CSS.

Wes Bos

And I even I even made a video that says, I will die if someone says this joke anymore because it just goes to show how out of touch a lot of people are with the capabilities of CSS. And here we are talking about starting style and all these amazing things that are being added to CSS, And then, like, the majority of the world is still talking about, I can't send or something in CSS. And that kills me because it's clear that people don't even know what they don't know.

Wes Bos

Yes. I I I totally agree with this, specifically, because even, like, I did a video on what, using translate and rotate instead of transform properties. And and all the comments were, I didn't know you could do this. And, that's been in browsers Node ever.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Yeah. At this point. So

Wes Bos

oh, yeah. Yeah. That was that was a really good example because you showed that you can apply 2 totally separate animations that have nothing to do with each other to the same element. Node

Wes Bos

you can compose them. That's great. Totally.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

Let's move into some non CSS ones. I have a Versus Code one here. Versus Code will be at feature parity with cursor.

Wes Bos

AKA, it will do everything that cursor can do. And, yeah, I don't know if that means I will use Versus Code again because maybe cursor will get better, but who knows?

Wes Bos

Yeah. I I agree with that one. I didn't have that on here, but I'm I'm somebody I asked on Twitter for people's predictions, and someone says there will be no more Versus Code forks.

Wes Bos

Let's let's guess now. Will there be another Versus Code fork? Yes. I'm gonna say yes. There's people getting some funding now, I bet.

Wes Bos

Yeah. I heard something about, like, a React ID. So, at React Summit, there there was a a mention of something React Node. And I don't know if that's reality or not, but

Wes Bos

I could see that. Could it could be. You know why? Because, like, someone said, like, React has such a benefit over many of the other frameworks because the AI has been trained on, what, 15 years of of React? Yes. I don't know that that like, may maybe, like, a lot of these cogeneration IDEs spit out React as well as a default.

Wes Bos

So maybe we'll see something like that. I can't see that be a good idea, though. I have, actually, a related to exactly what you're saying here. Yeah. I have a prediction that framework choice will matter less with AI tools, aka the tools are going to get better at scooping up documentation.

Wes Bos

They're gonna get better at being able to Node what version of what library you're using, and maybe it won't have as much stuff to pull from. Like, the amount of React code that's out there probably makes the AI tools much better. But being able to work with, let's say, Svelte five will be less painful than it is today because the AI tools will be better at, consuming documentation.

Wes Bos

And it could also be a benefit that there is not pnpm extra 10 years' worth of of code that we don't use anymore Yeah. To train the AI.

Wes Bos

I have on here OpenAI will launch a browser.

Wes Bos

And Yep. I think that is kind of interesting because people are trying to get as close to the user as possible.

Wes Bos

And Apple probably has a a a pretty good spot here because they are the OS.

Wes Bos

You gotta think that Raycast is is sweating a little right now as everybody's launching launchers right now.

Wes Bos

What happens when you install the the app and it overwrites your user's keyboard shortcut, and then they no longer open your app anymore? So I think OpenAI will launch a browser so that they can really compete with Google as well as augment the entire browsing experience.

Wes Bos

It's kinda I saw Microsoft launched a AI model that will take, like, a screenshot and give you a list of, like, buttons and actions out of that screenshot and and things to do. So I was like, oh, that's the AI is now driving the website.

Wes Bos

And then, like, even on on Microsoft Edge Node, when you search for something on the page, it will now suggest to you alternative searches.

Wes Bos

Because, like, when you search for something, it's just like a like a text match. Right? But it now it understands what's on the page and what you're searching for,

Wes Bos

which I think is pretty nifty. Yeah. And I hey. I will wanna say, I I think that is we can even put this, which isn't on my ESLint, but I do totally agree with that sentiment JS that the race for an AI browser I think all of these companies understand that the AI browser and the AI search are is going to be who controls the next generation of that that starting point of the Internet.

Wes Bos

Mhmm. You open your browser. You start to search. Or for me, I just swipe down and start searching.

Wes Bos

Whoever controls that experience is going to be the next Google Chrome or the next Google or whatever. And I do think all of these companies understand that, which is, it's actually very frustrating to me because, that's one of the reasons that propelled the Yarn browser to move on from the Arc browser to their new AI browser. But, you know, it's so funny. I'm on the the the Arc subreddit, and those people are delusional. They're like, this thing's gonna flop so hard. I'm like, no, folks. You don't understand. They they see a bigger picture than you see it. A their their niche browser is doing nothing for them, and I love that niche browser. Yeah.

Wes Bos

They they want to control much more than a niche browser. And then the only way they're gonna do that is by the next generation AI browser, whatever that may be. And and I'm sorry, folks. It's it's coming whether you want to resist it or not. Yeah. It's it's the same reason why

Wes Bos

not a lot of people use Firefox because, like, Firefox is the superior browser for all technical people. But, like, regular people, aren't Yarn using it as much. Right? And just because it's just it's either not built into the device that they have or it doesn't have the the features that that they're they're trying to use. And I think once all the AI stuff gets even further you Node? Like, people wanna be able to search a screenshot, a TikTok, and find the dress that somebody was wearing in their browser, you know, and have that suggestion to them.

Wes Bos

Those tools are so crazy good now. They're so good. Yeah. Courtney is so much better at using them than me. We were at dinner the other night, and our kids were drinking out of these, like they look like, you know, the honey bear, like the honey bear things. And they were glasses that they got lemonade, and the kids were loving them. And Courtney's like, are we gonna be ordering these these bears? And we sure enough, she did one of those apps, and it found them on a restaurant supply store. And that's the only place they sold it. And I was just like, this is amazing. And it wasn't even a good picture. When she took that picture, I was like, there's no way. The angle JS not good enough for the AI to tell what that JS, and it still found it. So I do I do it all the time where where me and Caitlin are watching TV, and I'll just, oh, that's a cool shirt. Where's that from? Yeah.

Wes Bos

Bam. Like, blurry sideways photo, and it finds it. Amazing. Amazing. There's also this website A lot of people are are starting to use as well where you can like, like, the whole furniture resale game is is wild. And if you wanna find, like, oh, Wayfair is selling this thing for $50 more or or 6 times. You know? A lot of these, like, fancy stores are just reselling stuff.

Wes Bos

But, also, dupe cultures is also bad as well because it's worth ripping off designs.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Right. Yeah. It's a did you there's, there's a weird documentary on Netflix right now about, like, shopping culture.

Wes Bos

And, like I watched that. Yes. You watched it? It's ESLint like, we put it on thinking it was just gonna be a normal documentary.

Wes Bos

And then it's, like, very, I don't wanna call it artsy, but it is very, like, produced.

Wes Bos

Yeah. It's very produced in an interesting way. And I can't help but feel like they would had a bigger impact had that been a more normal documentary than if it was, like, just kind of off putting weird.

Wes Bos

Yeah. That said, it was interesting to to see, like, all the extra clothes and all the washed up. So I don't buy any of that junk anyways. I'm definitely more of a save up, spend more on something that I'll have for a long time. Cry once. Yeah. Yeah. Like, how long have you seen me wear this hoodie for? Probably, like, 4 or 5

Wes Bos

years at this ESLint. But it was a nice expensive hoodie. So, I took my kids to one of these have you ever been to one of these, like, Amazon return bins places? No. I don't even know anything about that. So we have these stores called Crazy Bins here, and, it's essentially on Saturday. They Bos there's a warehouse, and it's just rows and rows and rows of of bins.

Wes Bos

And it's all Amazon returns or, like, GAAP returns and things like that. And we have a couple stores that will sell stuff, but what the way that this one works is they just dump everything into these aisles, and that like, there's there's, like, 4 foot wide bins.

Wes Bos

And then on Saturday, it's $25. And on Sunday, it's $20. And then on Monday, it goes down by $5 until Thursday, it's a dollar.

Wes Bos

So you you just walk in, and it's just it it made me, like, like, physically not physically, but it made me a little, like, sad or ill being like, this is where all the I don't care. I'll return it. And you know? Or, oh, this thing broke. I'll return it. Or a lot of people, this thing broke after a year. I'll just buy it again and and switch it. Put the broken one back in the box and send it back and and just garbage. And, like, you can see all the, like, TikTok popular items from 6 months ago. You know? All these, like, knockoff Stanleys that are no good or things that say, like, I'm a Swifty on it. And and, yeah, may made me a little sad combing through all that garbage. Like, lots of good stuff. But

Wes Bos

It is a it is like an it is a problem.

Wes Bos

I I did find out I never heard of this before, and it turns out there there are only a few in Colorado. Closest one to me is in Aurora.

Wes Bos

But I don't know. Yeah. I don't Node. That's crazy. It's called Black Fridays, which,

Wes Bos

I suppose every day is Black Friday there or something. Oh, there you go. Yeah. Yeah. That's Interesting. Wes. But, like, on on the flip side, though, there it's it's almost a cottage industry of every morning, there's people lined up and and people run-in and try to grab the stuff. And then it it shows up on marketplace.

Wes Bos

You know? It's like, they're using every every part of the animal. You know? There's this is, like, the sub industry of people that buy stuff and then flip it. And Whatever confronted people. From anything that's just sitting in the ocean. The market is being efficient, I guess. Because I walked through, and I'm like, there's nothing here worth the day the day's dollar amount.

Wes Bos

You know? But I guess at at the at the we went on a $1 day as well, and it was just, like, garbage.

Wes Bos

K. Yeah. Alright. Well, let's get back to the web garbage. Okay. Wes let's talk about React.

Wes Bos

Hey. I got a React one. No. Just joking. I got a React one. React will drop Babel in their compiler.

Wes Bos

The React compiler will eventually drop Babel here as a requirement.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Because what are we doing here?

Wes Bos

The React compiler, which is used for primarily, like, memoizing components and and making your things render less, it's currently just a a Babel plug in. And that's not because it's it's written in Babel. It's just, like, the easiest way for them to initially get it out.

Wes Bos

But I agree. It we will probably see this integrated into the, like, Rust compilers and whatnot this Yarn. And that was always the case as well. They said this is just a Babel plug in right now because it able to get we're able to get it up and running as fast as possible, but it's not the plan long term.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

I have React server components are going to pop. There's a lot of, like, not sure about React server components. You know? Like, a lot of, like, not not goodwill, but Mhmm. A lot of people are a little exhausted by the transition over to them. And, like, like, I'll tell you. I'm on the other side.

Wes Bos

Once you understand how they work and the oddities and and the weird rules, they're pretty awesome. And I think we're gonna start seeing, like, universal React components where, never before were you able to ship a component that has server logic, client logic, styles, API calls. You could just you can pack that into a single component, and and someone can just take it and put it into their own application. There's no setup or or anything like that. So I think that we'll start to see some of the benefits of that type of thing. I, also, I think part of the the hardest part is people don't understand the benefit that it gives you. Like, I I put a video up on 10 stack start, which I think is another one of your predictions is going to pop. And then I was like, this is a lot simpler. You know? You can put it all in the same file, and it's just too many video. I didn't dive into the big differences of that, but a lot of people are like, yes. This is the way they should have done it. But, like, the the reasoning behind why React Vercel Components works that way is because of waterfall and and round trip to the client and back, and it's intentionally that way. And a lot of people either don't have those problems or don't fully understand the problem that they may be having.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Okay. Sick. I I like that. Do you have any other React ones? Because I have a a so okay. You go for your other React ones and yeah.

Wes Bos

So React Remix is is going away, and React Router 7 now has all the Remix features. So React Router 7 is now a Next. Js equivalent. Right? And it's been kind of, like, unclear as to what will happen to Remix.

Wes Bos

And my guess here is that they are going to relaunch Remix as something entirely different just using the name for it. Whether that's going to be part of my mind goes, maybe it will be like a Shopify thing, you know, like a headless Shopify React Vercel component based.

Wes Bos

Maybe that's it. Maybe it's a Shopify React server component library,

Wes Bos

or I can't I can't fathom what else it would be. Yeah. Because if you think about it, what, Remix became React Router, which you would think of as being, like, a smaller level component. So if they do end up thinking like, rethink what Remix is, you'd think it would be something more encompassing rather than another small piece because that Yeah. React routing is the routing is CMS? Probably not a CMS. Probably not a CMS. I do wonder if that's going to be the right call if they choose to do that to reuse the same name. So I I I have I I don't know. You know, we're in a world now where you AI something, and it is a great name. But, you know, you gotta be cognizant of those things, and maybe it goes along. Yeah. The last thing I have here is React Native will have its time, meaning that, like,

Wes Bos

Blue Sky is React Native. Some of the top apps in the App Store are React Native. Some of my best friends are React Native. I,

Wes Bos

I don't I don't love React Native.

Wes Bos

I I'm gonna be honest. I I spend a lot of time with it.

Wes Bos

But I have to agree. There's some nice things about it, and it does definitely make the barrier to entry smaller. I have been using Tori to do web apps lately or, native apps. Even though it's using a web view, it's not using native stuff. And it's tough, man. It's a tough world overall. Mhmm. So yeah. You know, you'd hope that React Native would take off to some degree. I just don't know. I don't know if I also agree with that one, but

Wes Bos

I, respect it for sure. Yes. How are we gonna measure it? Know? Is it gonna be Npm installs?

Wes Bos

We'll see. We'll decide next year. We'll decide whatever makes us look better, and we'll pick that one.

Wes Bos

I have one for Svelte. I think Svelte will get some kind of component data loading or islands or something like that. I know those are kind of 2 different concepts, but I I think Svelte, SvelteKit specifically, now that Svelte is is out and there's all these cool new things coming out for Svelte with the the advent of Svelte.

Wes Bos

I I do think that Kit is next to Git Node modernized because it's already fairly modern. But you see so many other frameworks now able to Node, data at a component Bos level or Yarn able to do island based architecture and choose what is server side rendered and not. I just feel like they have to do something like that at some ESLint, and it feels like next year would be a a good time for that to happen.

Wes Bos

Me, personally, I would love here here's what I would love. I would love more control over hydration. I'm gonna say this component, just straight up text. No need to hydrate it. No need to have JavaScript be concerned

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

Very bullish on Tansac. I think it's gonna be very big.

Wes Bos

But that was the one thing that is not implemented yet, which is I I wanna mark something as a server component. Right? Maybe that I'll just use server components for that. But Yeah. Yeah. I I don't want this thing to be hydrated.

Wes Bos

I just wanna send HTML from my server and have you put it on the page.

Wes Bos

Correct. Yeah.

Wes Bos

And along that same regard and in in an opposite direction, I do I do think local first stuff will, like, really take off. Now granted, we saw a big increase of people writing local first software in the past year. It it went from, like, nobody talking about it to a lot of people talking about it to even influencer types talking about it. I think that the tools here are on the precipice of being accessible enough for your average developer to pick up and just use that once it's like that, people are going to be really impressed by the experience.

Wes Bos

And because of that, for app based type of things Wes you don't need server side rendering, I think you're gonna see a big resurgence in CSR for local first apps and, apps that are running entirely on the client.

Wes Bos

Love it. Let's talk about server runtimes, BUN, Deno, and Node.

Wes Bos

My I don't think a whole lot will will change in this space, but I think BUN will continue doing nonstandard things that people love. So BUN obviously is working towards Node compat and and standards based compat, but they also just roll out these random features where it's like, that's actually kinda nice. You know? So we'll see that. And I think BUN will release a platform as a service that will compete with, like, NPM, Vercel, and Vite all in Node. Interesting.

Wes Bos

I I think well, that's gotta be the like, they you they have VC funding. You know? You have to think, like, why are they why are they funding a job open source JavaScript runtime? And it's it's gotta be that they they set their sights on like a like a Vercel type company where you can you can charge people to host stuff.

Wes Bos

Yeah. That's an interesting idea, and I do think you're right to go down that rabbit hole. I do think that's probably something that's likely to happen. It'll be interesting to see. Bun, I feel like bun is a, crazy world. It's okay. Every time I see something being added to it, I'm like, it's not that's a wild choice. Whether that is, like, a positive thing or not, I do think it's a wild wild thing. I just went to the BUN website, and right on the Node page, they're hiring a site reliability engineer

Wes Bos

Okay. Somebody with expertise in designing and maintaining CI pipelines, especially for cross platform

Wes Bos

builds. Look at you.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

It's happening. I bet it will happen this year. Look at you. Yeah.

Wes Bos

Cool. I you know what, Wes? I don't have anything else. Do you have any other predictions? Got

Wes Bos

1 or 2 more. Laravel's gonna release a release a CMS.

Wes Bos

Oh. You I'm and I'm saying this because I won't I'm not gonna name any names, but somebody who was big in the CMS world just left their job. Wig.

Wes Bos

No. No. Someone who's big in the JavaScript CMS world knows a lot about this type of stuff, just left their job.

Wes Bos

And you if you look at their online postings, the type of people they're replying to, I think it's they're they're talking to a lot of Laravel people, which makes me think Laravel is either going to launch SCMS or acquire statamic or something something in that world. You know? So I I think it's gonna happen. You know? Laravel JS making some some strides right now, and you gotta think that's part of the the a piece of their pie after they raise all that money.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

I think that, that tracks. You Node, there you know, again, VC money, follow the money. Something has to happen there. And, I do feel like with all of this WordPress self implosion stuff going on, now granted most normal people don't care, but, you know Yeah. It even affected my wife and her her, her small little Wes page for their testing center. So the fact that it's, like, reached outside of, you know, web development and is affecting normal normal people, webmasters around the world, you gotta imagine people are gonna be annoyed with that. Imagine Laravel forked WordPress.

Wes Bos

That would not this one this is not gonna happen ever. But

Wes Bos

I think they should do something different. But, yes, I agree. Yeah. They probably you don't need the, what, 24 years of baggage to come along with it. I know. The there are some odd APIs with WordPress. I I will say that it was never my favorite even though it was so, you you know, universally used and loved. Yeah. I can ask you real quick about bundlers.

Wes Bos

I think Vite will stay king. We're gonna see Vite's Rust implementation come out. Yeah. I I think what you you know, you said,

Wes Bos

Vite's rust thing, roll down. I bet roll down ships. I bet the next version here here's a here's a here's a risky prediction. I bet the next version of Vite, which they just they just released a major version. So I would imagine the next version of Vite will be using roll down for their build and their dev server.

Wes Bos

That is a risky risky bet here, but I'm willing to use I'm willing to just make a a little risky one here. There Wes go.

Wes Bos

Oh, speaking of of, I asked on Twitter, like, what people's predictions were, and I just got a reply from Statimic, which is a Laravel CMS.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

It says we have somebody predicted

Wes Bos

that Statimic will become a go to CMS over WordPress as we go behind the Matt Statemic. Mullenway Bos, and Statemic says Wes approve this prediction.

Wes Bos

Something's cooking. Something's cooking. Let me tell you. And I got I got no insights into any of it, but something's cooking, I bet. It feels like a little insider cooking if you're asking me. Yeah.

Wes Bos

I mean, insider JS in you Node you know something that you're not Oh, me? No. I I don't. I don't Who me? No. Stuff. Yeah. Couldn't couldn't. Yeah.

Wes Bos


Wes Bos

That's all of our predictions.

Wes Bos

Hopefully, we are right on at least 82% of those. Tweet us at Syntax FM or or us at Syntax Scott FM on Blue Sky.

Wes Bos

Tell us what your predictions are. We'd love to hear them.

Wes Bos

Yeah. That, awesome. And, yeah, that's all I got too. Check us out on YouTube. We're all over that place. I got a a sick pick here. I got a sick pick while Wes is looking up his.

Wes Bos

Folks, do you have dimmer bulb dimmer switches and, new new LED bulbs can get some kind of a buzz going on? And, you know, bulbs overall, there's like a a whole world of good and bad bulbs.

Wes Bos

I have found the bulb that I prefer the most, so I will sick pick the bulb that I have no problems with, no troubles with. It's the Philips Ultra Definition Dimmable Bulb.

Wes Bos

I have these bulbs all over my house now. They you have them in several different, brightness configurations or daylight or soft light.

Wes Bos

Either way, I've never had an issue with these bulbs. They last forever. They're they're wonderful.

Wes Bos

They work with all dimmers, smart dimmers, any of that stuff. No buzzing whatsoever.

Wes Bos

No weird flickering or anything like that. They're great, fantastic bulbs. Alright. I'm gonna say pick something that you picked out in the, desktop apps episode that we did for 2 of the episodes. I keep going back to the episode being like, Scott said one of these apps in that episode, and I need it. And it was I was using Istat's menu for the longest time, and I switched over to using one that it's an open source one just called Scott.

Wes Bos

Is that what it's called? It's called Stats. Yeah. Stats. Just Google stats GitHub, and it's gonna come up. And this this is it's really good. It's it's just as good as Istat's menu. It has all the features that I want.

Wes Bos

I'm able to see I specifically use it for watching my network traffic Yeah. And watching my CPUs.

Wes Bos

And then I also have been using it for Wes I'm testing out any AI stuff, and I wanna know, is it running on the GPU or not? I'll just pop open the little GPU meters. And if you see them go up or down, you then you know it's actually using it. And, also with the CPU, if if you're trying to run I was running conversions.

Wes Bos

And if you're trying to run too many at a time, it actually wasn't maxing out my CPU because it was trying to do concurrency, I guess, or however my computers work. But awesome little app. It's totally free. It gives you put throw it in your menu bar, and you can see everything that's going on with your computer. And, it's like it shows battery level and and RAM, and it shows you what app is using uploads. So big fan.

Wes Bos

Yeah. Sick.

Wes Bos

Cool. Well, that's all we got for you today. What are your predictions? Leave them in the comments below. Do you think we totally missed on any of our predictions? Because let's face it. I don't think we did. But let's say let's say you think we missed any of our leave leave a comment. Let us know why you think we missed, or or let us know what you think your predictions Yarn, something that we totally, neglected to mention. We'd be happy to hear that because there's this this industry has a a wide, wide, wide view of a lot of things. So there chances are we did miss some stuff. But as always, thanks for listening. Thanks for watching. Catch you in the next one.

Wes Bos

Peace. Alright. Peace.




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