March 17th, 2025 × #webfonts#typography#fontloading#css
CSS Fonts Fallbacks, Variable and Trimming
Covers custom web fonts, strategies for handling font downloads, variable fonts for creative effects, and the text box trim/edge properties to control spacing.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
Scott and Wes dig into the wild world of CSS fonts—covering fallbacks, variable fonts, and new tricks like text-box-trim. They also break down font-display, font kits, and how to avoid layout shifts when loading custom type.
Show Notes
- 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
- 01:06 Brought to you by
- 02:53 @font-face.
- 03:27 Font Display.
- 07:40 Avoiding layout shift.
- 10:45 Variable fonts.
- 16:23 Variable font sizing.
- 17:46 v-fonts.
- 19:10 text-box-trim & text-box-edge.
- 21:28 Browser support.
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